
Thursday, February 25, 2010


So... word on the street is it's gonna snow again. I'm sorry, it's a "snowicane".

Well, I've got the day off due to weather, so I've stocked up on supplies for an organizational project. Look for that post next week.

Be safe out there. Don't drive if you don't have to!

And if you are reading this from a southern state with warm weather- I kinda hate you. But just a little.

Always & Forever,
photo from 6abc


  1. Man, I wish I were at home with a project. Wait, who am I kidding? If my office told me to stay home today, I'd be holed up on the couch with a box of cheese-its, watching an Intervention marathon on-demand. That sounds nice.

    There's always hope that we'll be pummeled tonight and I'll get a 3 day weekend!

  2. ah!
    south jersey is turning into little alaska!

    i'm SnOw over iiiit.
    haha. i made a little snow joke!

  3. I don't kinda hate anyone with warm weather, I really hate them.It's personal. =)

  4. I really wish I was in your shoes. We've literally had no snow this year compared to you guys... it stinks! BUT luckily school was canceled today because of all of the RAIN (can you believe it) that we're having!!! Crazy Mother Nature :)

  5. I'm with you. I'm so over this snow. My Sister is plamming to just pack and move to the caribean and leave everything behind.


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