
Monday, August 13, 2012

Baked Tortellini

Ever think to yourself  "I would really love to have tortellini tonight, but gosh darn it all to heck, it doesn't have enough cheese in it"?

Don't act like you haven't.  

Well fear not, for I have the answer!


  • 20 oz. of tortellini, cheese-filled, cooked
  • 15 oz. of Alfredo sauce
  • 4 oz. of prosciutto, minced
  • 8 oz. mozzarella cheese, shredded
Prepare the tortellini according to package directions and drain. Cut the Prosciutto into small ½” pieces. Spread ¼  cup of the Alfredo sauce evenly on the bottom of a 1” deep ceramic or Pyrex dish. 

In a large bowl, mix together the tortellini, Prosciutto and the remaining Alfredo sauce then place mixture into the 1” deep dish and spread evenly. 

Next, sprinkle mozzarella cheese over the top of the tortellini, making sure to cover all of the tortellini.  Bake at 350 for 30 minutes or until the sauce bubbles and cheese is melted. 

Take an extra cholesterol pill, 'cause your gonna need it. 

Always & Forever,

Friday, August 3, 2012

I Turned 30... and celebrated 368 days later.

Last year I wanted to celebrate my 30th birthday like a rock star-  tight pants, excessive booze, party bus and maybe a trashed hotel room.

Those plans were smashed when a month before I found out I was all kinds of pregnant.

So I decided I wanted a 30th birthday do-over.  However, I knew with my bestie getting married in July, and a bambino on my hip, I was not going to have the time or energy to plan any of this myself.  I turned to Shannon from Bottle Pop Party Company and asked her to plan everything from soup to nuts.  I believe my exact phrase was " I just want to show up and get drunk".

When it came to a theme I am pretty sure I gave her the most vague description of super girly with touches of pink and gold.  From that my friends, she spun perfection.


To begin with, Shannon created an invitation

For the record 123 Bottle Pop Place is not my address, and don't act like you didn't think about Google Mapping that.  Nice try, stalkasaurus.

The food was set up in the kitchen.  Since it was an afternoon bash, we set up sandwiches and pasta salad.  These weren't just any sandwiches- oh no my friends.  We went highfalutin with smoked turkey and gouda, mozzarella and tomato and chicken salad on a croissant.  Because everyone knows everything tastes better on a croissant.

(most pictures taken from Shannigans)


The desk in the kitchen was turned into a drink station with Sangria and pink lemonade

Yes, those are gold dots stamped on the bottles.  Seriously, this girl is into details.

Guests were welcomed to take home gold-stamp bags of pink salt water taffy.  Noms.


The rest of the party was held in our backyard.  Did you guys know I have a backyard?  I do.  It's huge and there is nothing out there but holes and lone tree.  But Shannon made it look awesome.

Pink lemonade cupcakes were set up outside on DIY cake stands with gold liners.



The weather was a perfect 80 degrees and not a cloud in the sky.  Two tents were set up for guests to sit and chat or dine alfresco.  The tables were covered with pink linens with Kate Spade sayings and a single pink carnation.

It's true, I am a fantastic dancer.

A photo booth with props was availible for everyone to take a second and act a little silly

Meg assists with taking someone picture

my nieces and nephew

me with my two besties, Jamie and Connie

Even my dad got in on the props

There were horse shoe pits for the adults

and toys outside for Hunter's future in-laws the kids

Around 5:00 pm the party started to fizzle out, and friends of ours who were not able to make it during the day showed up with more beer, hamburgers and fire crackers for round two.

When the sun went down, we busted out the fire pit the previous owners left behind.  We drank beer, and roasted marshmallows.


It was the best birthday I could have ever asked for.


From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank all of my friends and family who showed up to share this day with me.  A very special thanks to Shannon for all your hard work to make this day special for me.  There are no words to describe how much I appreciate all you did.

Always & Forever,

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I Prefer Chicken or Turkey in a Kitchen

We did it.  

We finally painted the kitchen. 

To refresh your memory, it was the most insane lime green and brown, or Alpaca Brown and Gecko according to the paint cans left by the previous owners.  I don't know about you, but that's a whole lotta exotic animal running around in a kitchen.  

Paired with the grey tile floor, it made our very spacious kitchen feel small and cave-like.

Ever since we painted the living room, I have been eyeing up the kitchen, counting down the days till I could paint it.  Now that we had a beautiful soft color in the living room, it made the lime green seem that much worse to me.  I even asked JEGs if I could just slap on a coat of primer until we decided on a color.

He said no.  Ugh.  Whatever.

So my hate for the green festered.  Every time we were in Home Depot or Lowes I would beeline mosey by the paint section and pull samples. Originally I was leaning towards blues and greys, but then I thought 'what about yellow'?

When I was a kid, we had a yellow kitchen.  Ok, technically it was "Harvest Gold", but when you are 6, you don't know the difference between that and yellow.  Anyway, I always loved that yellow kitchen.  The kitchen in my parent's shore house is yellow, and I have painted my bedroom yellow.. twice.   It's such a cheerful, energizing color-- which is exactly what I wanted to feel when I came into this room;  happy, energetic and awake.

So, I went yellow.  Benjamin Moore's Weston Flax, to be exact:

(don't you love the pile of laundry in the mudroom and the dishes in the drying rack?  This is real life, people)

The room looks and feels bigger and yet cozier.  JEGs and I are toying with the idea of adding a backsplash behind the sink/stove area, but we haven't made a decision yet.

Originally, I was worried that the black shelves in the desk area would look too bumble bee-esque, but after it was all said and done, I think the darker color helps to ground the space.

I took this opportinity to rearrange the shelving area too.  I kept some of the original bins, but I also displayed some of my favorite things including my spray painted thrift store bird, JEGs $1 scale,  cake stands from our wedding registry, a sweet painting from my blog friend Bethany, and my sewing mason jar from Always Crafty.

I also finally picked up a filing system for our bills with this hanging letter holder from Target.  I also added some cork behind an IKEA from for a pin board to hold recipts, addresses, color swatches, or any other little thing that would have otherwise just been floating around the kitchen.

We also added hooks to hang our keys.   I wish I could say that this is a piece of  reclaimed wood from an old barn that I meticulously painted after finding it at a thrift store and it has so much meaning, blah blah blah pinterest.  Nope.  It is from Lowes.  But if this $7 set of hooks keeps me from going "WHERE THE EFFFFF ARE MY KEYS???" then boom.  I am happy.

It was really important to me that the living room and kitchen colors played off each other because you can see both rooms as soon as you walk through the front door.  I think they do quite nicely.

   To help with the cohesiveness, I brought in a fabric that had pops of both colors and used it for a roman shade

Although I feel like I just crossed off a huge task on my house to do list, I am not done with this kitchen.  Oh no no, there are so man more thing I want to do.  Like add even more storage.

That's right too-small-for-the-space-buffet.  Your days are numbered.

Always & Forever,