
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Serenity Prayer

Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference

..specifically, Lord, help me from making this mistake again:

Oh yeah. We all remember the epic fail from last year.

The maxi dresses are out again, and I have been tempted by their evil ways again. I don't know if I thought I finally hit a growth spurt at the age of 28 and grew an extra six inches, or what, but every time I pass those dresses I get the urge to try them on.

Help me be strong friends, help me be strong.

Always & Forever,



  1. hahahaHAHAhaha awesome. Dude, I'm even more tempted this year to go the maxi dress route since I've given up pants but I KNOW that I will look like a circus tent so I don't just walk, I waddle, away from the rack.

    And I'm not too fond of the name "maxi dress" either. Does kotex make them or something?

  2. Ugh...Those dresses never work on me either!

  3. I haven't even dared to try on a maxi dress. I mean, it's first name is maxi. Just makes me think of tampons.

    Too far? ;)


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