Connie surprised me with a great bridal shower!

Our friends Manders and Evan got engaged!

The Boys of Summer have returned...
A couple weeks ago, Kasey at Thrifty Little Blog challenged her readers to stop at a garage sale you wouldn't normally stop at to see if there was anything worth grabbing.
I accepted this challenge, and began with to work on my find. Props to Nina for thinking of a cake stand-- that is exactly what I had in mind! Ever since I saw this photo, I have wanted a beautiful silver cake stand for our wedding cake
Well, this little guy was not going down without a fight.
Let me refresh your memory with what I picked up for $1
That's my big brother. He's an actor, and tomorrow night he is going to be on the show Flash Forward.
I'm not sure what part he is going to play, so it will be a Where's Waldo of sorts for us. Won't you join us in the fun??
Always & Forever,
the (really excited) little sis
I like to keep this blog about mostly light and cheery, but sometimes I have to keep it real. Friends, I had a little bit of a meltdown today.
Straight up, tears-streaming-down-my-face, mascara-everywhere, balled-up-in-a-corner meltdown. Basically the kind of day that makes me want to fashion a sippy cup out of a wine bottle.
It wasn't just one thing that caused this- it was a culmination of financial issues, health issues, wedding issues, with a dash of family and friends on the side. I won't bore you with the details.
But when the tears were done, I thought about the above quote and remembered-- I have been through worse, and I've survived.
So I'm ditchin' the umbrella and strappin' on my dancing shoes (which may be blue and fabulous) and I'm gonna get through this.
Always & Forever,