Monday, June 1, 2009

Fabulous May

I am finally moved in and my apartment looks like an episode of Clean House. I could totally use Trish Suhr to organize my closet.

Anyway, as I'm digging out from under all these boxes, I'd like to take a look back at the month of May and recap what made it so fabulous:

1. Warmer Weather
Pack away those sweaters and break out the flipitty flops- spring is here baby!!! Even though there was that week of cold, rainy weather I couldn't have asked for better temps! Warmer weather brings on fun things such as the pool opening in my complex, BBQs, trips to the shore, outdoor dining, and an excuse to show off my new pedicure! Who could ask for anything more??

David Murphy is a silver fox

2. Birthdays :

Zac and Connie are practically twins!

I love birthdays. I love my birthday, and I love other people birthdays. I love going out and celebrating them and hoping everyone has a great time. May is LOOOOAAADDDED with birthdays! My bestie and life partner, Connie is on the 11th and my Puddin' Pop Zac is on the 12th. I have a week off and then in the last week of May there is 27th- Whitney, 28th- Tim, CoDoc, Jenna, Mandy, Hilary and Skinner, 29th- Mike, 31- JamieDavid and Poppa Gindin.


3. Reality Show Winners:
I love reality shows. My top three favorite are Survivor, Dancing with the Stars and The Amazing Race. I almost always cheer for the underdog (who never wins) but I am happy to say I picked the winners for all 3 shows! So a tip of glass to Tammy and Victor, Shawn Johnson and J.T.!

4. Moving
Last but not least.. I finally moved in with the love of my life. It was a lot of work, but I'm already happier then I've ever been.

So farewell May. You were 31 days of rockin'. See you next year ;)
Always and Forever,

1 comment:

Your Daily Barista said...

I would have guessed your a America's Next Top Model, Project Runway kinda chicka.